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27 Interview Questions to Reveal High Potential in Hires

To reveal candidates with high-potential, you need to prepare an arsenal of interview questions that explore deeper, sometimes hidden, qualities.…

5 Things You Need To Know To Make The Interview Process Faster

The interview process requires a delicate balance. While it’s important to be thorough when vetting candidates, having a process that…

16 Questions to Ask Gen Z During a Structured Interview

We reached out to professionals interviewing Gen Z candidates. They’ve shared their strategies and top structured interview questions to assess…

7 of the Best Questions to Screen for Toxic Employees in the Interview

Toxic employees can hide their poor attitudes from employers, especially during interviews. So, you must ask the right interview questions…
Woman of color in an apricot cardigan listening actively to a woman answering a revealing interview question

10 of the Most Revealing Interview Questions to Ask Job Candidates

If you really want to spark a more authentic — and revealing — discussion, the answer is simple: ask better…

Screen Candidates

Young job applicant sitting at a computer taking a predictive candidate assessment test

The Talent Assessment Landscape in 2024: Comprehensive Guide

Behavioral Assessments Behavioral assessments, like Spark Hire’s Predictive Talent Assessment tool, are designed to forecast a candidate’s future job performance…