Reference check software

Automate your reference checks

Request and complete digital reference checks without the hassles of scheduling and back and forth communication.

Reference checks as a part of Spark Hire's features
Play See how reference surveys work

Save resources and increase speed to hire

References are an important way to assess a candidate’s potential for success, but collecting references can be a costly and time consuming process. Spark Hire’s Reference Surveys enable you to gather essential candidate feedback with none of the scheduling and no phone calls required.

Notification email when candidate's reference completes reference questionnaire

Request and receive references
in one easy step

Where traditional reference checks require you to collect contact information from candidates, manually contact references, and schedule and conduct phone calls, Spark Hire’s Reference Surveys let you submit reference requests to one or more candidates simultaneously and then automatically distribute online reference surveys for completion.

Build customized reference surveys tailored to each role

Learn valuable candidate feedback by writing survey questions for references to complete. You can create as many reference surveys as needed, and you can choose from a variety of response types, like
single-line text, paragraphs, multiple choice, and more.

Customize a reference survey with different response types
List of requested and completed references

Collect and review references in one centralized location

When candidates submit reference contact information, Spark Hire will instantly email your reference survey for them to complete. References can complete the surveys at their earliest convenience, and you’ll be able to review responses right in Spark Hire for easy assessment and collaboration with hiring team members.

Reference checks as a part of Spark Hire's features

Automate reference checks, save time and money, and assess candidates in one convenient platform

Contact Spark Hire today to learn how to get started!