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Case Study: Grad Insight

How Grad Insight Unlocks Graduates' Full Hiring Potential With Spark Hire Video Interviews

About Grad Insight

Grad Insight is a team of graduates, who following university, applied to over 250 corporate graduate/internship opportunities between them, receiving graduate job offers across a number of different sectors. Often they lost graduate positions to less prepared candidates through the absence of targeted insight around graduate recruitment processes and our counterparts benefitting from less readily available insider information (which a lot of candidates have from their connections). This filled the team with the passion to level the playing field and provide readily available information for candidates to use in preparation for each stage of the application process.

Goals for Video Interviewing

With the rise of video interviews as a go-to method of interviewing, the team at Grad Insight wanted to help recent university graduates practice one-way video interviews. They intended to give recent grads a head start in the world of work by providing feedback for their video interviewing presence so candidates have a head start in the world of work.

Q&A with Co-founder, Ben Keeler:


What inspired you to look into video interviewing?


We noticed that there were a lot of recent graduates struggling with video interviews when applying for graduate roles. We wanted to develop a practice video interview for recent graduates to help them improve performance in graduate application processes.


Did Spark Hire replace a similar tool or is this the first time your team is using video interviewing?


This is the first tool that we have used for video interviewing.


What criteria did you have in mind for a video interviewing solution?


We wanted a platform that would be easy to use for both candidates and reviewers (since candidates would be reviewing their own interviews), good quality feedback features, and offered flexibility for our shifting needs depending on the graduates we worked with.


What made you choose Spark Hire as your video interviewing solution?


Spark Hire has the best value for money, has the flexibility to do what we need, and was incredibly easy to implement.


What was getting started with Spark Hire like?


Very straightforward.


What was your aha moment — the moment you knew you loved Spark Hire?


The first video interview that came through from a graduate candidate. Their video and sound quality were great, and we knew we'd be able to help the graduate refine their approach and be better suited for the position they were pursuing.


What are three words that describe your experience working with Spark Hire?


Simple, efficient, helpful

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