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Case Study: MaryJane Agency

How MaryJane Agency Identifies Excellent Candidates for Clients with Spark Hire Video Interviews

About MaryJane Agency

MaryJane Agency is the FIRST Ohio based, full service staffing agency specific to the Medical Marijuana Industry. Their premier employment service places qualified and pre-screened personnel for cannabis related businesses in order to provide the right candidate for the job.

MaryJane Agency invests in a personal engagement with each and every person that submits their resume by having them conduct a thorough interview process prior to representing a candidate to employers. They assist job seekers in refining their job search goals and their professional presentation of these goals to potential employers.

Goals for Video Interviewing

MaryJane Agency wanted an efficient way to screen applicants and create a database of ready-to-hire candidates for the Ohio cannabis industry.

Q&A with Founder & CEO, Robin Ann Morris:


What inspired you to look into video interviewing?


It was an opportunity to utilize additional technology in identifying the best candidates for recruiting. Finding and interviewing individuals takes a lot of time and energy. Video interviewing offers a completely different opportunity to identify great candidates in a fraction of the time.


Did Spark Hire replace a similar tool or is this the first time your team is using video interviewing?


This is our first time using a video interviewing platform.


What criteria did you have in mind for a video interviewing solution?


We wanted something that was fast, efficient, and flexible to interview potential candidates.


Describe your selection process and what you found most attractive about Spark Hire when signing up.


We identified Spark Hire as offering a simple solution to finding candidates, being able to see the candidates’ conduct, and how they perform via video. This process has offered a more flexible option for us to register, place, and identify the best overall candidates.


What are some of the results you’ve seen with Spark Hire?


Spark Hire has allowed us to create specific question sets and interview several candidates simultaneously. Since video interviews can be completed by candidates on their own time, initial interviews do not take time away from the day to day commitments of our business. Spark Hire has allotted us more efficiency, expediting candidate placements, and improving our time and revenue generation.


What was your team’s hiring process prior to using Spark Hire?


We would look to source candidates through general media formats like Facebook and email as well as on job search engines like Indeed, Zip Recruiter, and Monster.


How does video interviewing fit into your hiring process?


Video interviews are an exponentially faster way to see candidates without making them travel to our offices. We have candidates nationwide and even local ones that are more than 60 minutes from our office, so our ability to “meet” candidates through their video interview is crucial. Being able to identify excellent candidates quickly, without candidates ever having to leave their homes is a strong part of our company reputation. We feel it helps candidates be more complicit to our requirements and we find it more efficient in weeding out those that are just looking for general information, as opposed to serious contenders for positions.


How do you get your team members to buy into video interviewing?


The whole team has welcomed video interviewing with open arms. We present it as a tool that creates a more comfortable way to interview several candidates in just minutes. To identify the perfect candidate, it used to take scheduling 3-5 interviews per day for several weeks. In a high paced environment, our clients expect the highest quality from us, so this process creates a more efficient and timely turnaround for our clients. Our employees gain back tons of time too.


What is the biggest impact that video interviewing has on your hiring process?


The ability to see how candidates conduct themselves and tailoring questions that adhere to exactly what we are looking for in a candidate for specific roles are the highlight of our video interviewing experience. Plus we are able to view multiple people in minutes that are subject to the exact same criteria and questioning.


What was your aha moment – the moment you knew you loved Spark Hire?


When we realized we had the ability to block off time to review candidates and their answers instead of being subject to their availability. Spark Hire is extremely efficient and helps us cut costs. Yet it still creates a personal experience, allowing us to see the individual, how they address questions, and how they dress and carry themselves. Each day is different so the mood of each candidate is different. But video interviewing allows them to perform at their best on their time and in the most comfortable situation: in their home, at their desk, in their car, wherever they feel comfortable and most open.


Why should other staffing and recruiting firms look into video interviewing?


The time savings, efficiency, cost savings, and flexibility to interview many more candidates for an assortment of opportunities in a single day.


Why should other startups look into video interviewing?


It is an excellent way to hit the market running with expedited time in placing and landing excellent candidates that are serious and completely interested. The candidates are much more relaxed, responsive, yet maintain interview quality and demonstrate how they are the best candidates for a position.


What is your favorite aspect of video interviewing?


I love the ability to see so many candidates, along with being able to identify the best ones in such a short amount of time. Adding the ability to generate revenue quicker and assure the quality of the candidate is a positive residual effect for any company.


What are some things you love about Spark Hire?


The ability to review several interviews in an afternoon, as opposed to only having time to see 2-4 people per day. Time is of the essence in our business and Spark Hire allows us so much more flexibility and reliability of whom we are placing, hiring, and processing through our systems.


What are three words that describe your experience working with Spark Hire?


Efficiency, quality & a quick revenue generator!

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